Peau sèche. Peau deshydratée. Eczéma. Psoriasis.
Peau sèche (délipidée), peau déshydratée, eczéma, psoriasis... ces états et maladies de peau ont en commun une altération de la barrière cutanée et une hypersensibilité. Il est fréquent de cumuler plusieurs de ces problématiques. Nos produits ont été développés pour lutter contre l'hypersensibilité et restaurer la qualité de la barrière cutanée.
Après un nettoyage très doux, appliquez matin et soir notre Sérum régénérant à l'acide hyaluronique, formulé spécifiquement pour hydrater intensément les peaux sèches. Sa concentration élevée en acide hyaluronique (2%) aux trois poids moléculaires permet d'agir sur différentes couches de la peau, assurant une hydratation en profondeur, une amélioration de l'élasticité cutanée et un renforcement des défenses naturelles de la peau.

This serum, entirely of natural origin and certified organic, blends a potent concentration (2%) of hyaluronic acid with three molecular weights [High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (HMWHA) + Medium Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (MMWHA) + Low Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (LMWHA)] along with a botanical booster complex [Night-Blooming Cereus + Caffeine]. It effectively targets age-related dryness, wrinkles & fine lines, loss of volume, and loss of elasticity.
Volume: 30ml | Duration of use: 2 to 3 months
Notre Soin peaux sèches et sensibles restaure la barrière cutanée et apaise la peau pour un confort optimal. [Etudes cliniques]

This creamy, 100% natural and certified organic cream fights against skin hypersensitivity and restores the quality of the skin barrier in order to provide suppleness and comfort to the most sensitive skin. It combines apitherapy [Honey + Pollen] , gemmotherapy [Caper flower bud*, *Active with clinical studies] , and one of the latest revolutions in dermatology: glycobiology [Polysaccharide (glycan), *Active with clinical studies] .
Volume: 50ml | Duration of use: 2 to 3 months
Avec une concentration record en actifs relipidants, hydratants et émollients, notre masque nourrissant régénère les peaux les plus sèches et les plus affaiblies.
2 fois par semaine.

With a record concentration of lipid-replenishing, hydrating and emollient active ingredients [Honey + Pollen + Vegetable Glycerin + Vegetable Oil + Aloe vera] , this 100% natural and certified organic nourishing mask regenerates the driest and most weakened skin. The skin is immediately soothed, supple and comfortable. Its very creamy texture and delicious honey scent make this mask addictive!
Volume: 50ml | Duration of use: 6 months
La sècheresse cutanée, eczéma, psoriasis.. peuvent être liés ou accentués par une dysbiose intestinale et un apport insuffisant en micronutriments essentiels : le pollen frais rééquilibre le microbiote intestinal (effet probiotique) et apporte à la peau tout ce dont elle a besoin pour fonctionner de façon optimale.
1 cuillère à soupe tous les jours.

Born from the encounter of the bee and the flower, fresh pollen is considered by naturopaths as nature's most nutritionally dense food, a true superfood that provides the body with everything it needs, including a multitude of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, live lactic ferments, antioxidants, and complete plant proteins.
Combined with a balanced diet, our Dermicia "Energy & Beauty" fresh pollen, a blend of fresh pollens with a balanced nutritional profile, can prevent and/or help address certain deficiencies in micronutrients and help counteract the ailments prevalent in our society: low energy levels, demineralization, vitamin deficiencies, stress-related issues... often reflected in skin conditions, given its role as a detoxifying organ.
Our pollen is preserved in its fresh state through a patented process.
We offer the conventional version or the certified organic version: Organic "Energy & Beauty" Fresh Pollen.
Fresh pollen should be kept in the freezer upon reception.
Volume: 250 g | Duration of use: 3 weeks
Pour l’eczéma atopique (lié aux allergies et à une barrière cutanée fragile), la propolis apaise l’inflammation et limite les allergies.
Pour le psoriasis (maladie auto-immune avec une forte inflammation), la propolis module le système immunitaire, apaise l'inflammation et aide à réduire les poussées.
Cure de 3 mois minimum.

Vials of aqueous solution of poplar propolis (alcohol-free). Available in box of 10 or 20 vials.
Due to its exceptionally high concentration of polyphenols, Apicia propolis offers outstanding antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It's a must-have in your natural medicine cabinet for boosting immune defenses and addressing skin imperfections such as acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and herpes!
Volume : Boxes of 10 or 20 vials | Duration of use : See protocols
Short DMD : 02/2025*
This is simply a DMD (Date of Minimum Durability) and not a BBD (Best Before Date). In the case of our propolis, this does not affect its quality or effectiveness. You can use the ampoules after the indicated date without any risk to your health and without significant alteration of the effectiveness of the propolis.