Born from the encounter of the bee and the flower, fresh pollen is considered by naturopaths as nature's most nutritionally dense food, a true superfood that provides the body with everything it needs, including a multitude of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, live lactic ferments, antioxidants, and complete plant proteins.
Combined with a balanced diet, our Dermicia "Energy & Beauty" fresh pollen, a blend of fresh pollens with a balanced nutritional profile, can prevent and/or help address certain deficiencies in micronutrients and help counteract the ailments prevalent in our society: low energy levels, demineralization, vitamin deficiencies, stress-related issues... often reflected in skin conditions, given its role as a detoxifying organ.
Our pollen is preserved in its fresh state through a patented process.
We offer the conventional version or the certified organic version: Organic "Energy & Beauty" Fresh Pollen.
Fresh pollen should be kept in the freezer upon reception.
Volume: 250 g | Duration of use: 3 weeks
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Benefits of Dermicia "Energy & Beauty"

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Pollen micronutrients are extremely sensitive, especially to heat. DRY pollen ( found in jars in the dry section) is heated, dead pollen , which has lost most of its micronutrients, notably its lactic ferments, while FRESH (FROZEN) pollen is an exceptional living food.
About 3 weeks, at a rate of one tablespoon per day.
Yes, in the freezer (not the refrigerator!).
Upon reception and after each use it is important to always keep your fresh pollen in the freezer, whether the container is open or closed. As it contains very little water, it does not “harden”, so you can take your daily large tablespoon directly from the freezer, the fresh pollen will melt immediately!
It's normal ! We use a patented preservation process, which allows a break in the cold chain for up to 8 days. This is why we can ship it by regular mail, at room temperature.
However, upon receipt, it must be placed in the freezer.
Fresh pollen is a food and not a dietary supplement. As such, it can be consumed every day of the year. This is even what is recommended!
Of course, if you want to stick to treatments, this is possible. We then recommend 6-week treatments, particularly at the change of season or whenever you feel the need to give your body and/or your skin a boost.
Absolutely ! The pollen carried by the wind (anemophilic pollination) must be differentiated by that carried by insects (entomophilous pollination). People who are prone to “hay fever” are allergic to anemophilic pollen. That carried by insects, particularly bees, is very rarely allergenic. It is even sometimes used in desensitization treatments.
Yes, you can absolutely take both simultaneously. It’s even ideal!
Fresh pollen is a superfood that provides the body and the skin with all the essential micronutrients they need to function optimally, while propolis is a dietary supplement, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti -fungal, anti-viral and extraordinary immunomodulator .
The two are therefore complementary and synergistic !
Our fresh pollen comes mainly from French, Spanish and Italian beekeepers.
Absolutely ! Starting at 2 years of age, we recommend 1 teaspoon minimum, to be effective in particular on the intestinal flora.
Fresh pollen constitutes a valuable nutrient source to promote the good growth of children and adolescents.
Absolutely ! Fresh pollen is very complete and recommended before, during and after pregnancy.
Very rich in micronutrients, it helps meet nutritional needs, particularly those which increase the most during this period: energy needs, proteins, iron and vitamin B. It is also beneficial in combating pregnancy disorders : lack of appetite, bloating, constipation, fatigue and infections.
It is particularly important to consume fresh pollen during the last trimester, to prepare the flora for childbirth - the newborn forming its own flora from that of its mother during vaginal birth.
Thanks to its richness in prebiotics and probiotics, fresh pollen therefore plays a crucial role in strengthening the mother's intestinal flora . During a vaginal birth, the mother transmits to the newborn the bacteria from her vaginal flora, which are themselves influenced by her intestinal flora. Therefore, a mother with healthy intestinal flora in the last weeks of her pregnancy will pass on the good bacteria to seed the newborn's intestine. This promotes the development of healthy intestinal flora in children, which will influence their state of health throughout their life,
Consumption of fresh pollen after childbirth is also highly recommended, to promote better recovery by providing essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. Due to its high content of amino acids, especially tryptophan, it will also stimulate breast milk production. In addition, thanks to its probiotic properties, fresh pollen will support the intestinal health of the newborn, thus promoting the establishment of healthy intestinal flora and strengthening their immune system thanks to the essential nutrients transmitted by breast milk.